Excerpt from “Ken and Jim Correspondences.”

Excerpt from “Ken and Jim Correspondences.”

They would argue Father Gary and Matt Bagilo that certain people have the ability to see behind the curtain, the veil so to speak. Behind that veil is where preternatural evil also resides. A evil that could touch us, influence our choices, and only be seen and felt by those among us with the ability see beyond the corporal universe. A force if you will, that was only concerned with the hatred and annihilation of everything. By touch I mean, to subtly corrupt that which is pure, light, or good within us. Not influence us directly, or make us commit evil acts. Rather, say we have a flaw, drinking for example, could be anything,,, Well if you become a chronic, desperate, alcoholic, eventually you lose the power of choice over drinking. By this I mean every time you drink no matter what, YOU are making, and are responsible for that CHOICE. Still, make that choice enough (The choice to drink), eventual there is no choice. You will continue drinking no matter what you lose. What I am stressing here as the evil; is the loss of all hope. The loss of hope is the evil we create by actions with hatred at the core, A unlimited amount of actions could be evil and destructive or in fact  are proven to be destructive such as; War, Poverty, Apathy, Racism, and so forth, (Everyone’s list would be different with the common underlying qualification being;: Destructive to the person as a loving being. This loss of hope, can be of use to spirits or beings that exist within the preternatural world. Further, I know exactly what you mean about that feeling or dream like state where you feel some dark, oppressive force holding you down physically. A physical oppressiveness. I have had have direct experience with this myself. It is terrifying. In regards to your dads oppressive evil being sensed when you still lived at home, I believe it could be the evil left over from your father’s acts, the evil that clung to him.